Shiny Arse Civil Servants

SDSR 2015 announced that the MoD civil service personnel would be reduced by 30%.

Unfortunately, the civil service is saddled with a reputation of being shiny arsed Sir Humpries long overdue for the chop, but NOTHING COULD BE FURTHER FROM THE TRUTH and I get fed up of the right wing press labelling them as such.

Civil servants in the MoD support the armed forces; they are vehicle mechanics at Army Reserve Centres, scientists at DSTL or contract managers at Defence Equipment and Support.

I have defended civil servants many times about this over the years, a 2009 post about Daily Mail outrage at Civil Servant Herrick medals, Liam Fox attacking the civil service in the run-up to the election and SDSR 2010, and something about focussing on quality of civil servants, not numbers, for example.

In light of the latest SDSR, thought I would have a wade into the always brilliant Defence Statistics output and try and present the numbers in graph form.

Before the graphs, it is important to note that this is a very quick and dirty look at the numbers. Consistency in reporting from 1975 is difficult to obtain because the reporting methodology changes but the graphs show UK Service Personnel v UK Civilian Personnel, they exclude FTRS and Gurkhas in the most recent years, defence trading funds and locally entered personnel such as those employed in Germany or Canada.

In addition to these caveats (including the simple fact that I am not a statistician so a health warning is included FoC) the numbers show a steady decline in both numbers but a clear divergence in the proportion of uniform v civilian as a result of various reviews and a number of step changes as a result of changes to the operating model. The transfer of Royal Ordnance Factories in 1985 resulted in 18,000 personnel disappearing from the numbers, Royal Dockyards another 16,000. Until 1994, the MoD’s numbers also included GCHQ, in 2001 DERA was sold to QinetiQ and in 2008, following the merger of DARA and ABRO, 1,000 personnel were transferred to Vector Aerospace.

The trend is clear though, MoD civil servants are an increasingly small percentage of MoD personnel.

The 2015 figures are from the October personnel bulletin so not the full year.

The first graph show total numbers



This final graph shows the percentages of the total.


This might actually be misleading in some regards, the civilian personnel are still there, just that they are in the private sector, whether that is for recruiting, network management, research or managing Army diggers.

With a further 30% reduction, the overall effectiveness of the MoD will inevitably suffer as a result of a dogmatic right wing that thinks the private sector is automatically better, clearly, for some activities, it is not, especially functions that do not have mass in the civilian world. However, for some, it is an established means of reducing costs, organisations all over the world do it. The trick is to get it right, in the right areas.

The MoD should be in the business of maximising efficiency and whilst there are no doubt always room for savings across both military and civilian populations, protecting its civil servants with their specialist knowledge and not slashing and burning for ideological reasons should be top of the list.

As I said yesterday, the real challenge in SDSR 2015, is people.

Hope that is useful, looking at you Daily Mail.


Mainstream Media – Medals for Pen Pushers

Medals for Pen Pushers, outrage!

The Daily Mail has a story today about the Afghanistan Operational Service Medal and how it has been awarded to civil servants operating in Camp bastion, the UK Forces Headquarters location in Helmand.


Completely misjudging the mood of the armed forces the Daily Mail launches into a condemnation of the award and uses the now common term, pen pushers.

Liam Fox, wisely decides to stay out of this one but the LibDem Defence spokesman, Willie Rennie chips in with this gem;

“It is quite offensive that civil servants should be regarded and rewarded the same as soldiers who are putting themselves in danger to fight the Taliban”

Camp Bastion has come under fire, that fire is indisciminate and many service personnel will never venture outside of Bastion either but they will get the OSM (Afghanistan)

Civil Servants may well be pushing pens and they may well not be, but it is certain that they will be under exactly the same risks and conditions of those service personnel also at Bastion.

There are more important things to be worrying about but whilst this does seem like a bit of a non story as the Armed Forces become increasingly civilianised perhaps a review might be in order.

Mr Drury, the journalist who wrote this piece might also like to have a read here or do some research on how many reporters have a South Atlantic Medal.


The mainstream media in years gone by would have had well researched and argued articles on military equipment and strategies. This kind of dumbed down sensationalised reporting that targets the MoD and hence the Government is doing no one any favours, least of all the armed forces

The Civil Service Bonus Story

Widely reported in the press today was the issue of MoD civil service bonus payments. In the usual pattern of these things the press pick up on a story and then wheel in the usual pundits and the family of dead or injured service personnel to reinforce the premise of the story.

The general thrust of the story is usually that lazy pencil pushing Sir Humphries are feathering their nest whilst hard pressed squaddies have to buy their own ammunition.

The opposition will lazily follow the press position and spout how it is outrageous, just wait till they get into power, we will show them etc etc.

The blogosphere will chip in as well, usually with a few cracking sweary posts.

Then what usually follows is a half baked rebuttal from the MoD and assorted government ministers, but the damage will have already been done and nothing will change the perception that the MoD couldn’t find its corporate arse with both hands.

This is the standard of considered debate in the press these days, both the mainstream media and opposition have a shockingly poor grasp of the reality.

The MoD revealed, in an answer to a parliamentary question from Liam Fox MP (Shadow Secretary of State for Defence,) that it had awarded just over £42 million pounds in bonus payments to civil servants in the seven months from April to October this year with another 5 months to go until year end.

This was reported by all the press and media outlets, each competing with each other to show how disgusted they and the general public were, quoting opposition politicians, ‘defence sources’ and dead or wounded servicemen’s family members.

Absolutely disgusting

What exactly have they done to earn that? How do they justify it?

I find it ludicrous

It makes me angry that they are being paid £47 million to pat themselves on the backs


Money for old rope

Liam Fox, commenting on the figures said “At a time when the department is reeling from the Nimrod report and Gray report, many of those in the Armed Forces will be aghast that bonuses are being paid on the basis of outstanding performance, this will only increase the view that the armed forces and the MoD administration are hugely out of balance.”

2 days after it released the information to Liam Fox and in a reactive move the MoD issued a statement today defending the bonus payments and its civil service staff. The Public and Commercial Services Union weighed in worth a strong defence. In fact the PCS Union railed against waste in the MoD equipment programme (as if MoD civil servants have nothing to do with that) and even had a go at non deployable military numbers, many due to injuries received whilst on operations, whilst complaining about Liam Fox trying to drive a wedge between the uniform and civil service branches of the MoD, irony evidently not a strong point of the PCS.

Alan Johnson MP (Home Secretary) defended the MoD but confused operational allowances for civil service staff deploying to operational theatres with bonus payments, not the same thing Alan.

Finally, in a clear case of tail wagging dog, Gordon Brown promised to examine the issue.

Lazy thinking from the media and opposition, a desire to characterise the Government as criminally incompetent and a general ignorance all round contribute to the characterisation of the civil service as ‘pen pushers’ whilst our brave boys go wanting.

It is the widely held belief that people should be rewarded for excess effort and improved effect and there is nothing intrinsically bad about this. In order to apply this fairly and consistently across a large number of employees some performance management system must be used, leaving things to manager’s discretion leaves the system open to abuse. As usual with these things, the devil is in the detail so very expensive management and HR consultants would have devised a fiendishly complicated system.

In order to depress pensionable basic salary the bonus is seen as a top up rather than on top payment. Most of the Civil Service would rather a higher basic pay rather than having a bonus payment, of course they would and the vast majority of payments were quite modest anyway.

The MoD stated that bonus payments don’t affect equipment budgets, which is a ridiculous statement and one borne of a culture of having budgets set in stone, of course it all comes from the overall MoD budget.

The Real Issues

Besides the woeful level of reporting and debate we think the real issues are as follows;

  • There is a widespread ignorance of what civil servants actually do in the MoD and the benefit, both operational and financial, that they deliver. The MoD needs to make a much better case for its employees rather than relying on the same old clichés, many of them are ex service personnel or reserves and the vast majority are in non administrative roles.
  • The MoD public relations unit needs to focus on being proactive rather than reactive, it took 2 days to come out with a half baked rebuttal . In every single case of note in recent times the MoD has seemingly gone out of its way to seek out banana skins.
  • The fundamental problem with performance related pay and performance management systems is that, unlike in the public sector where profit is a simple and easily measured target, the public sector cannot create a simple metric for success on which to reward performance. This leads to ever more creative means of measuring anything other than real world performance. Bonus becomes an integral part of the remuneration package and a massive amount of effort is expended on meeting these artificial targets.

Much activity is process based so scope for meaningful improvement is limited and this leads to yet more nonsensical means of measuring improvement.

In light of the Gray report on acquisition and the Haddon-Cave report on air safety and the Nimrod crash which clearly paint a picture of a dysfunctional department the notion that performance is good enough to pay bonus payments is alien to most.

Activity at all levels becomes focussed on targets rather than effectiveness and this has been observed across all areas of the public sector.

So not only is it massively divisive, it absorbs huge effort in administration and more importantly diverts the activity of the MoD towards meeting targets not achieving meaningful outputs.

It simply needs scrapping and replacing with a very limited discretionary scheme or one that can be linked clearly to cost savings or combat effectiveness.

  • That the MoD can even think of paying bonus payments when it can’t find £20million for TA training speaks volumes about priority setting, decision making and the inherent inflexibility of departmental budgets.
  • The media, Government Ministers, unions and everyone else concerned need to try and educate themselves before spouting their usual drivel.
  • Liam Fox needs to improve his performance immeasurably because it is likely he will be the next Secretary of State for Defence, this is an important position and one in which he will need to demonstrate he can harness the military and civil service for maximum effect in Afghanistan and the forthcoming strategic security and defence review. If he assumes that bashing the civil service will endear him to the military then he is very much mistaken.

Change the record Liam and start acting like a future minister